Monday, November 10, 2008

This is JAZZ Town Baby!!!

Last week I had the opportunity to live one of my life long dreams. Meeting the JAZZ! I was able to go around to all the players, get autographs, and pictures with them. Talk about the time of my life!! For me, it really couldn't have gotten any better. Although, I was hoping AK 47 would have been there because I wanted to speak Russian with him, supposedly he had the flu.

Here's a funny story about something that happened. So I was carrying 2 basketballs in my hand that players were signing, 2 posters, and a camera for pictures. When I got to Paul Millsap's table I placed the balls on the table to be signed, and the one in my right hand kind of fell out and knocked over his water bottle that he was drinking from right onto his phone that was sitting on the table. WOOPS!!! ha ha... You could tell he was kind of bugged by that. Instead of signing it with his right hand, he signed it left handed while he was drying his phone off. So I'm not sure if Paul Millsap is too happy with me.

Here are some pics to depict my epic moment:


Badgrass said...

Wow I am jealous. How did you get that opportunity? I would love to meet D-Will.

Heather O said...

Sooooooooooo jealous. Looks like it was fun even if you ruined Milsap's phone. ha ha