Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The World of @Task

So here at Adobe my role is that of Business Analyst in Client Services - Consulting. We have recently migrated over 2,500 projects over to a new system called @Task. It's a really neat piece of software to use to manage projects and various tasks that are billable to a client. The old system (and I think this says it all) was ONLY accessible via Internet Explorer 6. This day in age, using IE6 is kind of like watching a VHS for a movie and listening to a cassette tape for music. It is super ancient and NO ONE ever uses it anymore. It was skewing data and not a very intuitive tool to be using as we report that data to clients. I would like to personally thank @Task for their wonderful new solution to our team and company. So far it is great, with every new tool there is a learning curve and that's what I have been dealing with this week I have been the main point of contact for everything @Task related. It has been a good experience to go through the run around of this new system and broaden my horizons with new tools.

This is SUPER boring to a lot of people, but this alone saves TONS of time on our end and will hopefully give me more time for other interests which I will talk about here in another post this week.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I want to see how it works. It sounds like something we would be interested using over at my company.